Reason for Being

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Hello, stranger. Welcome to All That I Love! Thanks for stopping by.

We are brand new and braving the world, but if you would be so kind—please give us time to grow and thrive and find our voice.

What is All That I Love?

Think of this as an online repository for ramblings and real stories that don’t fit anywhere else in the microblogging-obsessed here and now. We talk about all that we love and why we love them, and we’re not limited to 280 characters.

Recollections, Reviews, Right Now: What’s the difference?

We’re always going to write about what we love, but we need a framework to follow so we don’t end up bombarding the Internet with gratuitous 10,000-word think pieces.

We’ll cover whatever we want to write about, but you can expect the majority of the content to be about TV, games and music.

Recollections is where you will find us waxing poetic about old favorites—stuff we’ve loved for a long time, forgotten and then rediscovered gems, and fixed points in our respective personal histories.

Reviews is where you will find… reviews. Naturally. You may be wondering: “How can you really review only what you love?” That’s a great point, and we’re glad that you brought that up! When we do reviews, the love we’re referencing is for the medium.

We might tell you what we love about a specific video game or mixtape, but we’ll also tell you what we don’t love about it! Reviews aren’t complete if they’re not balanced.

Right Now is a catch-all category for time-dependent content. Site updates, blogs about what we’re currently watching, anticipatory discussions about upcoming stuff that we’re excited for—they go here.

How do I contact you?

You can leave us a message here or you can find All That I Love on Twitter.

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